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发布时间: 2021-03-16 20:41:57

① 什么是道德的英语作文


Morality and Ecation
It is recognized by everybody that the strength of a country depends upon its ecation. The higher the ecation standards, the stronger the country becomes. That is true indeed.
But my opinion is that, in order to make a country strong, ecation alone is not sufficient. It should go side by side with morality..
Morality and ecation are the foundation of a country. The absence of either makes success impossible. Ecation without morality is dangerous. Morality without ecation is also harmful.

② 道德教育课用英语怎么说

因为思想道德教育是:ideological and moral ecation
所以道德教育是:moral ecation 课的话再在后面加个class

③ 品德用英语怎么写


(moral) character; morals; morality

④ 道德方面的英语文章翻译....

古时候,德育和智育是同一过程. 随着社会的发展和道德教育的地位智育改变 德育专和属德育分成指令和间接道德教育. 这种变化带来的冲突做出任何形式两种形式没有充分发挥其作用. 克服它的方法是进行综合德育、 两种形式使德育作为一个有机的整体. 它可以实现课程采主题,活动课程与隐性课程 使其渗透、相互促进共同完成. 23已举办科普讲座,以促进现代科学技术教育. 学生的创新热情和创新能力大大带动,上缴500多件科技项目. 为加强学校的有机结合,家庭和社会教育, 区成立了家庭教育指导中心、青少年心理辅导中心中小学32、 ,已培训460名教师提升德育工作方法. 此外,各区组织1400多名18岁青年参加了宣誓仪式去年. 捐赠仪式结束后三十名血. 学生的民族自豪感和社会责任感大大增强,通过各种活动,包括保护母亲河 携手同贫困

⑤ 高等教育中的道德修养用英语怎么说

Moral Cultivation of Higher Ecaiton.
很多学生出国学习时需要提供国内学习成绩,道德修养课一般都是翻译成Moral Cultivation,这也是我们国内所有大学都有的特色课程了,呵呵。

⑥ 请问“加强道德教育”用英语应当怎么说

strengthen moral ecation

⑦ 思想道德教育 英语怎么说

ideological and moral ecation
例句:deological and moral ecation is an important guarantee for Socialist Colleges anniversities to realize their training objectives.

⑧ 英语作文带翻译思想道德教育的重要性

The main content of ideological and moral qualities is the political, ideological, moral, psychological quality and the cultivation of learning to become a useful person.
Developing ideological and moral quality can make people adapt to change, can give people healthy growth,can help people set up the ideal ,grasp the life and Improve self-cultivation and perfect personality.
Not all people own perfect personalities,which may cause some unnecessary disputes while communicating.If people pay more attention on developing ideological and moral quality,the life will be full of peace and happiness.
Modern ecation almost neglects the importance and the advantages of ideological and moral qualities.However,the society won't run well without people's ideological and moral qualities.
In brief,people should be aware of the importance of ideological and moral ecation quickly and urgently


⑨ 思想道德教育 英语怎么说

ideological and moral ecation

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