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发布时间: 2021-02-23 17:13:12

⑴ 合同 英文单词怎么拼写

Contract 合同
Agreement 协议

⑵ 英文合同中,公司名前用M/S.是什么意思


M/S是Mrs的复数形式,而Mrs是法语的复数形式。例如,M/S Batliwala & Co (Baltiwala & Co公司中除了Batliwala以外还有其他合伙人)。在印度,这一术语有时也被错误地用于股份公司的名称中,例如M/S依赖工业有限公司。这是不正确的,因为根据法律,股份公司是法人。不过这种做法已经流行起来。



合同曾有契约与合同之分。契约是双方当事人基于相互对立的意思表示一致而成立的民事法律行为,如买卖契约。合同是双方或者三方以上当事人基于方向并行的意思表示一致而成立的民事法律行为 ,如合伙合同。我国现行法律不再作这样的区分,把二者统称为合同。





⑶ “《中华人民共和国合同法》”用英语怎么说

Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China

⑷ 求合同翻译!英文

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⑸ 公章法人章等的英文正确说法

1、公章:official seal、cachet、common seal。





1、公章:official seal、cachet、common seal。



2、法人章:Legal chapter。



3、财务章:financial chop。



4、合同章:contract seal、Contract charter。








⑹ 翻译合同成英文

The party of the first part:
Second party:

According to the armor second grade both sides friendly consultation,
and rests on "People's Republic of China Law of contract" to stipulate
that, the party of the first part work computer [ someone company ]
carries on the sales installment by the second party, signs this
contract especially. Below both sides and are willing to observe the

First article: Service content
First, this company sells all computers, has the specialist to
test, conforms to the country "Proct Nature Mensuration", "Standard
Rection" and Ministry of Public Security is connected stipulated
front, the equipment in sells all 贴有 in the equipment specific
position maintains the seal;
Second, sells the equipment, all teaches the equipment by our company
specialist the application method, when the necessity and makes
suitable technical training;
Third, all equipments from sell today, in a year the breakdown which
proces by the equipment itself quality, will implement:
The armor, three months guarantee exchanges;
Second grade, in three years free maintenance;
Fourth, in system approval young or up and coming generation, in three
month-long guaranteed usable times, if because the equipment itself
quality question breaks down, this company even if replaces the same
model new proct;
Fifth, the warranty period is three years. This period, our company
fulfills the free maintenance service. After receives the user
breakdown, namely the customs of the times specialist arrives;
Sixth, has one of following factors, creates the loss breakdown, is
not the guaranteed usable, the maintenance scope, this company does
not lose any economical responsibility even slightly:
1st, must is specialty of serviceman or the project personnel our
company tears maintains the seal, disassembles the machine;
2nd, the fire, the electric shock, the outside object collapse the
equipment damage which or other natural disasters causes;
3rd, must our company staff or must our company is authorized the user
to use, or the right of use customer carries on the artificial
breakdown which the operation creates;
Seventh, this company sells and the work equipment after the
acceptance of work, all must construct the files, and fills in "the
equipment to set up a file the card". Later the equipment service
movement situation all will be supposed to fill in this card;
Eighth, the party of the first part if has the function the increase
or the service demand, take both sides written, the email or the
facsimile as the basis, all changes, all confirm take the bilateral
people in charge as.

Second article: Maintenance contract period
Maintenance of equipment time:
Gets up from the year, month and day,
Stops to the year, month and day, is a 1 full month 2 full

4th, payment and delivery way:
1) the complete contract fund, equals the aggregate amount for... The
Yuan, after the party of the first part installs finished uses
disposable pays in full the complete funds (with check remittance) to
give the second party.
2) transport mode and expense burden:
The second party installs according to the party of the first part
request debugs provides to the party of the first part, the
transportation cost undertakes by the second party.
3) delivers the date: Delivery in year, month and day
4) delivery point:

Fourth article: Bilateral responsibility
Second party:
1st, must guarantee the above proct for the original factory
proction and from is official, the legitimate channel import;
2nd, maintenance standard: According to proces the factory
maintenance standard execution by the consumer approval qualified
3rd, maintenance and maintenance way: The second party to the
equipment which provides provides three years free maintenance service
(if hardware appears breakdown, cannot promptly solve, second party
must promptly provide same model proct temporary substitution). When
the party of the first part has the equipment
The breakdown and when informs the second party by the
telephone or the written way, the second party should when 6 work
arrives the breakdown scene.
The party of the first part:
After 1st, the delivery approves immediately, like finds the problem,
should the telephone message second party solve or the request
replacement within 7th, otherwise regards as the approval to be
2nd, the party of the first part cannot be behind in payment second
party all expenses; Breaks a contract Fang Xu to pay the penalty to
the second party (total contract amount) 0.1%/Day.
1st, the maintenance expires, armor second grade both sides separate
sign the maintenance contract, continues the service term.
2nd, breaks a contract the responsibility: The second party cannot
request the time delivery according to the party of the first part, is
breaks a contract the behavior; The party of the first part cannot pay
the loans by a set time according to the contract provision, is breaks
a contract the behavior. Breaks a contract Fang Xu to pay the penalty
to opposite party, the fine total amount does not surpass gathers
With 0.1%.
3rd, solution contract dispute way: This contract has the dispute,
consults or the mediation after both sides is inadequate, any side is
authorized to the people's court to file the lawsuit.
4th, the contract like has not not exhaustively place, bilateral
friendly consultation solution.
5th, the contract as soon as tries two (supply and demand both sides
to hold one respectively), signs since bilateral representatives and
caps the official seal or the contract chapter becomes effective, the
facsimile has the same level legal effect.

Concludes an agreement the human
The party of the first part: Second party:
Representative: Representative:
Signature date: Signature date:
Telephone: Telephone:
Address: Address:


⑺ 英文合同中最后签字的地方:By、Name、Title、Date是什么意思










IN WITNESS WHEREOF&, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by ly authorized representatives & of both parties on the date and year first written above.

___________________ ___________________

By: By:

Title: Title:


_________________ __________________

代表人: 代表人:

职位: 职位:




& ly authorized representatives



此时与公司签约的对方当事人为了确保这个代表人的确属于ly authorized representative,可以要求公司提供这个授权的董事会决议证明,以妥善保护自己的权益。

& the date and year first written above

如果合约结尾辞里注明的日期和合约最前面序文所载的日期相同,就用这句话表示,如果不同的话,就应该另以条款明定合约生效日(Effective Date),以免产生争议。

⑻ 法律专业名词名称英文翻译

在我的网络空间主页留言板里有,这里发表不了,限制。如果你满意请给我最佳答案。谢谢。进我空间就点我的网络名,找我的留言板。 他的回答有几条错了,不信你对比下。

⑼ 法律英语类,求有关contract law的翻译


专业知识:美国法与英国法不同,美国法承认第三人利益合同(third-party beneficiary contract)。美国的许多州已通过立法确认该制度。如加利福利亚州民法第1559条规定:“明示地为第三人利益而设立的合同,在合同当事人撤销它之前,第三人随时可强制执行之。”[11]而美国法学会编的《合同法重述》则将第三人利益合同中的第三人分为三类,即受赠受益人(Donee beneficiary),债权受益人(Creditor beneficiary),偶然受益人(Incidental beneficiary)。严格地讲,其中的偶然受益人合同不能算是第三人利益合同。因为此类合同的当事人并无给予第三人任何利益的意思,只是由于履行该合同的结果,使第三人从中得到某种利益。美国《第二次合同法重述》取消了债权受益人与受赠受益人的划分,将其并称为“意向中的受益人(Intended beneficiary),将受益人的范围扩大到一切合同双方同意使其受益的第三人。

⑽ 英美合同法案例英美侵权法案例英文怎么说

Anglo-American Contact Law Case
Anglo-American Tort Law Case

adj. 英美的

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